
Staffing & Manpower Solutions

Shamstechsoft to outsource contractors / expertise for a short and/or long term contracts.

Out-sourcing is of 3 Types:
Direct: This is applied when ST receives a requirement from the client with identified position, budget, job description and contract duration. ST will respond to the requirements with qualified candidates matching the requirements and on acceptance ST will invoice the client on monthly basis (negotiable condition), based on a time-sheet signed and sealed by the client. Managed: this is applied when the client requests a position to be filled by a candidate already identified and accepted by the client. ST will do the needful to complete the hiring process. Payroll: this is applied when the client decides to move some candidates from its HR records to be under ST sponsorship and payroll. We value your business and aim to help you focus on your core competencies through a comprehensive suite of outsourcing services. ST outsourcing services include IT outsourcing and business process outsourcing.

Every outsourcing engagement aimed at improving and streamlining processes for greater speed and efficiency without compromising service levels. Our transformational approach allows us to offer a much-needed flexibility for adapting to the changing business climate