
Oracle DBA

1)Oracle database support and services from Shamstechsoft
As an Oracle database specialist company, Shamstechsoft provides committed Oracle DBA (Database Administrator) services to client databases in all parts of the globe. Our DBAs are Oracle Certified and specially trained in remote DBA support. As remote DBA service providers, they understand client database architecture, and are adept at various monitoring tools and disaster recovery management services. Our remote DBA services take care of your databases in all its phases – from installation and designing, monitoring and load balancing, to failover and disaster recovery management.

A.Database Installation & Configuration
New Oracle and SQL Server database installations and configurations can prove challenging
If not delivered absolutely correctly, system performance can be disrupted; from the database itself, right up to the application layer. This can prove costly in terms of support, maintenance and database administrator (DBA) resource.
.Recommendations of server setup and disk configuration
.Installation of required software and associated components
.Configuration of networking software
.Setup and configuration of individual database environments

B.Database Patching & Upgrades & migration
Database patching and upgrades and migration are necessary for all databases to keep them running at their best. Older versions eventually become unsupported as the focus shifts to newer, more advanced versions based on the latest technology, which can leave your database environment open to security threats and bugs if you don’t keep it up to date.

Oracle database patching process flow
.We will help our customers to keep their databases up to date with the latest patches released by oracle support
Step1.Download patch from oracle support site
Step2.Validate opatch version before applying the patch
Step3.Check conflict against ORACLE_HOME
Step4.Shutdown database and the listener
Step5.Apply the patch using opatch utility
Step6.Check and verify the inventory for the latest applied patch
Step7.Postpatch validation

.A database upgrade or migration is a critical activity which companies have to undertake from time to time.
Our Oracle DBA services include database upgrade starting from version 11g to 21c
Oracle database upgrade/migration process flow:
Step1.Prepare to upgrade/migrate oracle Database
Step2.Test the upgradation/migration process for oracle Database
Step3.Test the upgraded/migrated test oracle database
Step4.Prepare and preserve the source production oracle database
Step5.Upgrade/migrate the production oracle database
Step6.Tune and adjust the new production oracle database

C.Database Performance Monitoring & Tuning
Performance tuning is the process of optimizing Oracle performance by streamlining the execution of SQL statements. In other words, performance tuning simplifies the process of accessing and altering information contained by the database with the intention of improving query response times and application operations
Shamstechsoft ensures optimum performance of your small, large, OLTP, OLAP environment databases by following well planned systems and procedures required for each. Our remote DBA support specialists are skilled to achieve optimum performance of your databases. With extensive experience in remote DBA services, we understand database specific requirements and apply the necessary performance tuning strategies for different databases. Operating system expertise helps us solve operating system bottlenecks that may affect database performance using remote DBA support.

D.Oracle Database Backup & Disaster Recovery
Oracle DBA services are incomplete without disaster recovery management services and Disaster recovery management is the key responsibility of a DBA
Backup and recovery describes the process of creating and storing copies of data that can be used to protect organizations against data loss. … Recovery from a backup typically involves restoring the data to the original location, or to an alternate location where it can be used in place of the lost or damaged data.
Our remote DBAs restore complex databases quickly to keep your businesses up and running in the shortest turn-around-time.

E.Database Health Checks
Database Health Check Services includes a daily/weekly/monthly log into the database to see if the below things are good and performing well

  • 1) Review machine configuration and report on utilization of CPU, Memory and Disks
  • 2) Review database configuration parameter settings to maximize performance
  • 3) Review database layout for optimal performance and recover ability
  • 4) Review internal database statistics and database resource utilization
  • 5) Review database and machine logs for serious or recurring errors
  • 6) Review completion status of database jobs
  • 7) Review database performance report for a single business critical hour
  • 8) Generate a Summary Database Assessment report

F.Database security
Database security involves protecting the database from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction.
The security of information typically follows the CIA model, where CIA stands for Confidentiality , integrity, and availability.
Confidentiality requires that only authorized users have access to information in order to preserve the privacy of individuals, business intellectual property, and national security efforts. With the growth of social media and online business due to the Internet,
maintaining conconfidentiality involves using appropriate encryption techniques as well as user authorization, iddentification, and authentication procedures.
Integrity requires that only authorized users be allowed to modify data, thus maintaining data consistency and trustworthiness. If data is incorrect, it is no longer useful. Incorrect data can also be harmful to individuals (such as wrong data on a credit report) and organizations (such as invalid crucial reports).
Availability requires that information be accessible by authorized users when needed. Security attacks against an organization can cause business services to become unavailable, leading to violations of service level agreements that are critical to business operations.

G.Database consultancy for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server
Shamstechsoft Offers a Wide Range of Consulting Services!
Shamstechsoft delivers excellent Consulting services to fit client specific requirements.
Our Consultation experts are experienced and equipped to assist you in achieving best performance and stability from your Business critical systems. We provide customized consulting services for Oracle and MS SQL databases.